
If you are in immediate danger or require emergency medical assistance, please call 999 immediately and come back to this page at a later stage. This system is not linked to emergency services. 

What happens after an anonymous report? First, the incident is recorded. Then, Information will be reviewed monthly to identify any areas of concern that need to be addressed. We will intervene if we identify areas of repeated concern.
What happens after a named report? The incident will also be recorded, and the information will be reviewed by an advisor. Within 3 working days, the advisor will make contact with the person who has made the report and arrange a meeting to discuss the report. Specialist support will be offered. 
Even when reporting anonymously, you are helping the University prevent further incidents and stay safe. 
No formal investigation will be triggered without the student's consent, but confidential support will be offered. Your confidentiality will be respected, and information will not be shared beyond the relevant staff (detailed above) without your consent unless you or others are at significant risk. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened