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What happens after I submit the report (Flowchart).png 404.14 KB

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What happens after I submit the report? 
At a first instance, the report will be triaged by Student Support and Wellbeing. 
In the case of anonymous reports there is a range of potential outcomes, for example: the relevant department receives the report, and an investigation takes place; or the nature of the report is logged and no further immediate action is taken; or information will be reviewed monthly and termly to identify any areas of concern that need to be addressed, in the case we identify areas of repeated concern, we will intervene. 
If the report is named, within 3 working days, the advisor will make contact with the person who has made the report and arrange a meeting to discuss the report. Specialist support is offered as well as the opportunity to discuss reporting options. Some of the possible support options, include the University's Student Support and Wellbeing, the student’s Divisional Student Support Office or external agencies, such as, East Kent Rape Crisis Centre. With regard to possible reporting options, which the reporting student will be able to discuss these with an adviser, these include, the sharing of information with the Police with the student’s consent; or the submission of a complaint to be considered under University's own disciplinary procedures; or, if the student prefers, no official complaint/report is made, and the student can continue their dialogue with Welfare staff at the University. 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened