
If you are in immediate danger or require emergency medical assistance, please call 999 immediately and come back to this page at a later stage. This system is not linked to emergency services. 

We recognise that if your drink has been spiked you might not be capable of following the steps below.
  • If you are able to, get help straight away: tell someone you trust and get to a safe space.
  • Go to the bar staff and alert them. You can do this by asking for ‘Angela’. They will know you need help and will call you a taxi or help you out discreetly – without drawing attention to it.
  • Do not leave the venue alone or with someone you don’t know or trust.
  • Avoid consuming more alcohol.
  • Call 999 (Emergency Services) or 01223 823333 (Campus Security, if on campus).
  • Use the more specific language of ‘drugged’ or ‘poisoned’ rather than ‘spiked’ if the healthcare practitioner does not understand the term.

We emphasise that the fault is never with the person whose drink is spiked. As a university, we do not tolerate drink spiking or any other incident of sexual misconduct and assault.

Find out more about drink spiking on the Drinkaware website.

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There are two ways you can tell us what happened